Watch Out: Bugs Become More Active In the Spring

Springtime has been said to be an awakening for many reasons. One reason that you may not be excited for spring is that many home-invading insects become active this time of year. In fact, once the temperature hits roughly 60 degrees Fahrenheit, many bugs celebrate a new life cycle with a vengeance that may hit homeowners hard.

While some home-invading insects are harmless — some are even said to be helpful, like spiders — some insects can bite or sting and some can even damage your home. No matter what creepy crawly invader has taken up residence in your home, most people do not enjoy sharing their living space with anything that has more legs than we do.

Bees and Wasps

One type of insect you’ll want to address early on if you end up seeing them close to your home are stinging insects like bees and wasps. Unfortunately, bees and wasps may enjoy the wintertime in your warm, dark attic or eaves then emerge in the spring. You’ll want to treat the areas you see these pests coming in and out of as soon as you can so they don’t colonize near your home and end up reproducing, making more insects that can harm you and your family.


Although spiders are creepy and incite irrational fear among many, you might want to think twice about killing them. Spiders actually prey upon other insects, preventing them from being more of a nuisance in your home. However some spiders do bite and can be annoying. Rarely are house spiders a danger to people.


Termite colonies produce swarmers in the spring. Termite swarmers are winged adults that leave established colonies to start a new colony a short distance away. Presence of termite swarmers in or around the home does not necessarily mean the house is infested, but it is reason to have the home inspected for the presence of a termite infestation.


These pests are quite common and can be a big nuisance to homeowners. Most ants are harmless, but can be very hard to get rid of once you have them in your home. They like to venture inside a home, many times in the kitchen, to find food sources. If you leave food out on your counter the ants will find it. If you don’t catch them early on they may form a nest in your home and breed and feed as long as you let them. Carpenter ants are a different story than regular small black ants. Carpenter ants are large and black and they can eat through the wood in your home, similar to termites. These larger ants can cause structural damage to your home, and if you see them in large numbers they may have a colony inside your walls. Call an expert to get rid of them immediately to protect your home from future damage.


Just try and keep houseflies from getting inside your home! It seems like any time a door to your house is open these pesky insects find a way inside. This species is always found in association with humans or the activities of humans. Not only are house flies a nuisance, but they can also transport disease causing organisms.


The house centipede is up to 1 ½ inches long and has 15 pairs of very long, almost thread-like, slender legs. House centipedes are found both indoors and out. However the ones found in the bathroom sink or in the bathtub are the ones that cause the most concern. House centipedes feed on small insects and – like spiders — could be considered beneficial (although most home owners would disagree!)

Get ready to share your home with the oncoming onslaught of insects looking for a warm place to grow. It’s up to you what you can live with, but for the more harmful bugs you can always call a local professional to help protect your home.