About Those Awful Bed Bugs

So you think know a lot about bed bugs? Read on and relearn what you know about these awful pests.

What bed bugs are

For one, these are pests that give you a lot of worry, as they bite and suck your blood. They are parasites and are a nuisance anywhere. They bite especially at night when you are asleep. You may not even feel its bite at once. You would just notice reddish and itchy bumps on your skin when you wake up. You may find these bites on your face, neck, arms, legs and stomach.

Adult bed bugs have small, flat and oval-shaped bodies measuring about ¼ of an inch. They do not have wings. They move very quickly around. These pests do not live on the body as they simply want to feed on blood. Their color is rust-brown. However, it could change to reddish-brown color after sucking in blood.

An adult female bed bug can lay about 500 eggs during its entire lifespan. The eggs would require about five weeks forming into adult bugs in normal room temperature.

Where these bugs live

Bed bugs dwell in most sleeping areas of your home. You find them in your bedroom, on the floor, walls, on your carpets, inside your mattress, headboard and chairs, as well as similar types of furniture. They also live in dark areas such as crevices, openings and cracks.

Signs that you have bed bugs at home

If you notice blood stains on your mattress, blanket, pillows and bed sheets, then there is great possibility of their presence. If you smell something noxious similar to spoiled raspberries, then you have a big problem on bug infestation.

Description of bed bug bites

At times their bites look similar to mosquito bites. The bite makes your skin swell and look as reddish marks and bumps. The bites can be itchy, too. Bites marks are found all over your body; usually in a line of many reddish marks on a particular area. This means that a very hungry bed bug was able to suck as much blood as it could while you were asleep.

Fortunately for most of us, bug bites rarely cause allergy and negative reactions. Those who have very sensitive skin are prone to such harmful reactions. For fast solutions, application of calamine lotion reduces itchiness and taking medicine like Benadryl provide quick relief. If allergy reactions persist, then seeing a doctor is the best way to prevent further harm.

Think of practical ways to prevent bed bug infestations at home

You can use DIY remedy solutions to keep bed bugs away.

Maintain absolute cleanliness inside and outside your home. Make sure to wash bedding and other personal things on a weekly basis using hot water. Dry everything in maximum heat.

Vacuum regularly to keep bugs out of their hiding places. Look through cracks and fissures, and then seal them tightly. Cover your mattress with a zip lock plastic cover. Have encasements on your pillows. Use cotton sheets, pillows and blankets to easily spot bug presence such as blood stains and bug stains. Rub some eco-friendly anti-bug solution to your bed legs, headboard, walls and floors.

Remember to clean your vacuum bag or replace it with a new one. Always take everything out of the house after cleaning.

Consider hiring a pest control expert when your home is heavily infested with bugs.

There is much useful information to learn about these awful bed bugs. Using such information helps in a good way on how to deal with these pests.